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Ramsey van der Meer

Student @ UIUC

Software Engineering Intern

May 2022→July 2022 • Norton Life Lock

• Scripted a way to interact with the SendGrid (Twilio) API to make managing email templates seamless through a simple GUI. The script would automatically upload and verify the accuracy of the templates, while version controlling previous ones, with minimal human interaction. Ultimately helping to reduce errors in both production and staging environments by over 50%.

• Deployed this solution to a Jenkins pipeline using a declarative groovy script, contributing to the goal of having Jenkins be where everything is accessed.

Innovation Intern

Jan 2022 → May 2022 • Ameren

• Led the design and implementation of migrating Ameren’s suite of Angular web applications to a continuous integration, deployment, and testing solution using the AWS services of Lambda, S3, CodeBucket, CodePipeline, CodeWatch, and CodeBuild in conjunction with Selenium for a 95% reduction in time-to-delivery.

• Designed an API to autonomously generate code documentation for Ameren’s Python projects and packages; using Sphinx in combination with GitActions to automate the compilation of code on pushes to the master branch of a Git repository, ultimately improving code comprehension and speeding up documentation processes.

Full Stack Developer

September 2021 → Present • IEEE @ UIUC

• Executed a complete rebuild of IEEE’s website using Node.js, React, Express, and MongoDB for increased visibility and a 100% increased member engagement in club events (google analytics)

• Created a Rest API backend with CRUD functionality, boosting productivity by streamlining content updates through a GUI vs hard coding and redeploying the website, overall reducing the time to update the site by 80%

• Wrote a Node.js Cron job, leveraging Twilio to autonomously text meeting reminders to members who signed up for text alerts, increasing attendance rates by 25%

Undergraduate Research Assistant

October 2021 → December 2021 • Smith Research Group

• Collected and visualized data with Python and Matplotlib to optimize flow rate into a desalination chamber, ultimately improving desalinization efficiency and reducing wear and tear on parts

Software Engineering Intern

May 2020 → August 2020 • Ziplyne

• Developed a website in React, incorporating state management through Redux and styling with SCSS, leading to the company’s increased visibility and presence on the web. • Facilitated communication between the project lead and our team of interns, leading to faster development time and increased transparency among co-workers.